Original Image - Photo Credit: Osamah B. Asif

Edited/Altered Image
The image you see below was taken at a local supermarket in the city of Karachi where vendors sold food, clothes, toys, etc. I saw a young boy sitting on the floor with his arms crossed over his legs, and took a shot of him from the side. After getting his attention, he looked back and smiled. I went up to him and took another shot of him. Young and uneducated kids in poverty like this boy were usually workers for other people. Looking back at this image now, gives me the urge to want to go back and help kids that are stuck in this type of lifestyle.
To edit this image, I used Adobe Photoshop CS4. Looking at different photography tutorials on the Internet, the “Dramatic Gritty” effect caught my attention and I felt that it would be perfect for this type of picture. After editing this image, it made the picture more dramatic and gritty. The main focus is now on the boy’s eyes and facial expression. It’s more clear and brighter than before. It also looks like the boy has aged more. I chose this effect because I feel that the picture now has a true meaning behind it, and portrays how children are living through the struggle and poverty overseas.
For the "Dramatic Gritty Effect" Tutorial: Click Here
Remembrance Day - Downtown Toronto, ON (November 11, 2009)

Original Image - Photo Credit: Osamah B. Asif

Edited/Altered Image
The image you see below was taken during the ceremony when the soldiers were gathered listening to the many speeches given by the mayor, veterans and other important people. I was standing in a restricted area, which the security gave me access too thinking I was from the media. From the angle I was standing, I wanted to get a good shot of the Canadian flag, however my camera lens could not zoom in that close. Instead, I ended up getting an amazing shot of the soldiers below Canadian flag.
To edit this image, I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 again. This time I used the “Movie-Like” effect on this photo. After editing the image, the picture looks like it’s a clip from a historic movie. Adding the sharpness and darkness changes the mood and portrays a more serious feeling. The black bars on the top and bottom makes it look more official.
For the "Movie-Like Effect" Tutorial: Click Here
Photoshop Frenzy - Dramatic Gritty Effect
Ebin - Move-Like Effect
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